0 Posted by - December 18, 2014 - Uncategorized

It’s our birthday! One year ago today, Brooke Eva went live. And what a year it has been. As I reflect on the past year, I am filled with gratitude.

It was during a late night chat with my sister, who said pick a date, any date and go live. Just do it. That was some of the best advice I have ever received. I chose the eighteenth of December as that is my birthday. And so Brooke Eva was born.

The words of Richard Branson were repeated in my head on numerous occasions in the early days if somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later! Going live meant exactly that, it was a start, and figure it out I did. A kind of learning on the job kind of scenario.

Within three months of Brooke Eva being ‘out there’ in the blogosphere I was selected as one of twelve contestants for Creating with The Stars 2014, there were almost three hundred entrants. I was beyond blown away and so honoured. It was an amazing experience, it taught me a lot about myself and solidified my personal style. I also learnt I could bang out a DIY under extreme time pressures and live to tell the tale.


Shortly after that Brooke Eva was featured on Apartment therapy, that was a real pinch me moment. From there the editor of Inspired Living Magazine found Brooke Eva and my home was featured in their July issue.



We were also featured in InsideOut magazines Christmas edition! A real highlight of the year for me and such a lovely way to end off 2014.

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We are so proud of what we have achieved and look forward to an amazing 2015.

Speaking of which, I have T-7 days left in Dubai, after ten years of the expat life, my children and I are heading home to the mother city, Cape Town.

And with that, a thank you to all of you lovely readers for your support and for sharing in this experience with us!

Watch this space!

xox Jacqui resize

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