1 Posted by - October 10, 2014 - Uncategorized

Hello Friday, thank goodness you are here. I am ever so glad to see you.

Life gets so insanely busy that we sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses so to speak. It was while I was giving myself some head space and surfing my favourite décor blogs that I came across this Manhattan townhouse designed by Carlyle Designs , it is simply stunning.

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com 3

The mix of cobalt blue and red with neutrals is bang on. And as for the heavenly coffee table? In love.

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com 1

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com 2

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com 4

What struck me about this townhouse was the varying use of colours. The living area is bold and bright. The dining room has more muted tones and a romantic feel. I appreciate the mix and variance.

Carlyle designs brookeeva.com 6

The wallpaper in this powder room accented with gold is simple yet impactful.

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The master bedroom is tamer than the living area and has more of a feminine vibe.

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com A

Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com B

Now for this nursery. Hello there. It’s quite honestly one of the most pretty, without being all pink, nurseries I have seen.

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Carlyle Designs brookeeva.com C

Carlyle designs brookeeva.com

I could totally live there.

It’s the weekend baby. Have a good one!

xox Jacqui resize

Images: Carlyle Designs


  • nat October 10, 2014 - 12:32 pm


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